Connection MySQL Error - Public Key Retrieval is not allowed

When using MySqlConnector to link databases in Spring Boot app, you sometimes get an error message:

“com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLNonTransientConnectionException: Public Key Retrieval is not allowed.”

This information refers to the address of the RSA public key that is not set on the client. An easy way to solve this problem is to add to the link string: allowPublicKeyRetrieval=true, which is to allow the client to obtain a RAS certificate from the server.

For detailed information, please refer to Official Documentation

本文标题:Connection MySQL Error - Public Key Retrieval is not allowed

文章作者:Morning Star

发布时间:2022年01月18日 - 15:01

最后更新:2022年01月18日 - 15:01


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